
About Zorb Football information

Zorb Football, also known as bubble football, European fashion movement. Before you begin, players upper body wrapped in transparent plastic ball in space, revealing only the legs to run, play sports. Reduction of the upper space ball game players body collision probability, although space ball played a good protective effect, but the ball too much space in space result in a collision between the ball and the ball increases, due to hands were fixed, participating players more balance difficult to grasp. When players fall, will be bouncing on the ground, the players on the field makes a clumsy action amusing. Bubble football game goal is no longer important, the opponent is knocked fun.

About the Game

Bubble football fun high, low technical requirements. Soccer goal on the game itself is very easy, when the case of the upper body is in space ball player wrapped his hands were bound, poor balance goal to become a luxury. Instead, the player loses balance on the ground bouncing, rolling east to west turn clumsy action arena adds a lot of fun. Soccer this sports event into a fun game sports, loved by the public.sales@bubblefootballshop.co.uk

1, material preparation: a blower, a number of inflatable space ball, soccer one.
2, site layout: flat and clean place to be.
3 persons: generally from 4-10 individuals, the number of uncapped (affected by the size of the venue)
4, innovative gameplay: both players charged into the air space of the soccer ball scraping, yellow invalid, collision rational, not an end goal, knocked the opponent makes sense.

Game significance

Discard the traditional football games are played, non-professional fans can get involved to improve public participation. Goal is no longer the sole purpose of the football game, soccer game Bubble football adds fun and playability. Bubble football people can ease stress, life more fun for the game participants. Therefore, this trendy sports a pass to get the majority of the participants received.

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