
High bubble football fun

Bubble Football, football is also called bubbles, the European fashion movement. Players prior to commencement of the upper part of the package, in a transparent plastic space ball show legs only for running, playing sports. Space in the upper body ball breaks the game player body collision probability, while the space has played a very good protective effect, but the space space is too big lead to the collision between the ball and the ball, because his hands are fixed, balance players even more difficult to master. When the players after a fall, will be on the ground, bounces from players clumsiness makes the game fun. Bubble goal in a football game is no longer important, knock the opponent is fun.

High bubble football fun, low technical requirements. Football itself is very not easy goal, when go to upper body space ball package and hands bound, under the condition of balance is very poor goals become extravagant hopes. Instead, players out of balance on the ground, bounces from east roll west turn awkward action for game adds a lot of interest. Football the sport activities into a funny games sports, loved by the masses.

1, the material preparation: a blast blower, inflatable space several, soccer is a ball.
2, the layout: plain and neat place.
3, number: typically consists of 4 to 10 people, the number of unlimited (affected by the venue size)
4, innovative gameplay: players enter the inflated with a fighting, of the space in the ball, yellow card is invalid, collision, goal is not the goal, knock the opponent makes sense.

Looking for during the annual meeting of the entertainment and have a headache, because as I played a lot of interesting sports. Now to play football, bubbles make up for the bumper car didn't have enough collision of addiction, let everybody High, knock! First, strengthen physical health.

Second, never had a football fun experience. Third, the feeling of experience knocked. Fourth, to leave a good memory. Fifth, winning or losing is no longer important, everyone happy is the most important. Sixth, the best team of the construction of the end will come, all enterprises start to prepare annual meeting.

If you think football will not be changed, you still think about it again. Bubble football, a new type of exercise, can be said to be the perfect combination of ordinary football and roll the ball. Bubble football is Henrik Elvestad and Johan Golden created, the two eccentric norwegians feel if a player wrapped in transparent plastic space ball, football will become more interesting. Game is at the end of 2011 for the first time, the in Norway is called the "golden goal" program broadcast, at that time only a small episode, but released in YouTube, like the fire of fire spread throughout Europe. In subsequent years, from Italy to Latvia held the bubble around the football match. Now there are even the shop selling and leasing various devices - http://www.bubble-football-suits.com/.

